

Palazzo Provedani

Casa Provedoni is in piazza Duomo and is the corner building with via Teglio. Remembered by Ippolito Nievo in “Le Confessioni di un italiano”: “… The Provedoni family was highly regarded in the town for its antiquity and reputation…”, in that house “which was the last in the town towards Teglio (cap. IV).

In that same house, besides the countess Clara di Fratta, the protagonist of the novel Carlino will also end his days, after much wandering (married to Aquilina), preferring it to the residence in Venice “… we moved to Friuli, to the village of Cordovado, in that old Casa Provedoni, full for us of so many memories…” (cap. XXII). 

This property Carlino had purchased some time before: “Between the eighty thousand piastres and the thirty thousand ducats… I bought a large and beautiful estate around Casa Provedoni of Cordovado”. Next to the bell tower of the ancient parish church of S. Andrea, a statue in iron has now been installed with the image of the Nievo character Spaccafumo on horseback, a very characterized character, a fusion between Robin Hood and Don Quixote: “… Lo Spaccafumo was a baker from Cordovado, a picturesque little town between Teglio and Venchieredo, who, having declared open war with the surrounding authorities, from the prodigious running he did when they chased him, had earned the glory of such a nickname… sometimes, after weeks and weeks that nothing had been heard of him, he would appear calm and very calm at the parish mass of Cordovado…” (cap. IV).

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Villas and Palaces