
The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy


The village

Since the 13th century, the village of Toppo has been composed of two distinct nuclei, separated by the bed of the Gleria stream: the first, to the east, is identified with the masi di Toppo (the current via Fornace and via Nazario Sauro and the parish church of San Lorenzo); the other, to the west, is the borgata di Pino at the foot of the castle, corresponding to the current via Verdi and via Castello. Today, the two historical nuclei need to be “refocused” to allow visitors to better appreciate the somewhat sullen, not immediate beauty of a rural area rich in surprising testimonies.

The name Toppo, from the Friulian Tóp, is a toponym that first appeared in 1186: according to some, it means «large fallen tree trunk», while others suggest it indicates the orography of the place, the knoll on which the village stands. In this case, Tóp would be connected to the Lombard tuppaz, “small hill”. 

One can taste the salty cheese from Val Cosa, produced in the Molevana hamlet of Travesio: it is creamy, soft, matured in a special brine of water, salt, milk, and cream, preserved in larch vats. The specialty dish of Travesio is the tasty omelet with local salty cheese

The other dishes are traditional Friulian ones, such as frico, salami with vinegar, and cotechino with turnips, known as brovada and muset.

  • Municipality of Travesio - Borgo di Toppo

    Province of Pordenone

  • Patron Saint

    S. Pietro, June 29

  • Distances in km

    Pordenone 40, Udine 44, Spilimbergo 15

  • Inhabitants


  • Altitude

    238 m a.s.l.

  • Area

    28.38 km2

  • Coordinates

    46°12'N 12°52'E

Tourist Information

Tourist Office of Toppo Palazzo Toppo-Wassermann via Verdi 98, 33090 Toppo di Travesio, PN 

Tel. 0427 90350

Fb: @ufficioturisticotoppo

Things to know

  • Municipality of Travesio - Borgo di Toppo

    Province of Pordenone

  • Patron Saint

    S. Pietro, June 29

  • Distances in km

    Pordenone 40, Udine 44, Spilimbergo 15

  • Inhabitants


  • Altitude

    238 m a.s.l.

  • Area

    28.38 km2

  • Coordinates

    46°12'N 12°52'E

Tourist Information

Tourist Office of Toppo Palazzo Toppo-Wassermann via Verdi 98, 33090 Toppo di Travesio, PN 

Tel. 0427 90350

Fb: @ufficioturisticotoppo

