

Il Palazzo Dipinto

This palace is the pride of the castle complex, the most important and scenically impressive building, rebuilt at the end of the 14th century on the ruins of a pre-existing building, destroyed by yet another fire: it hosted Charles V in 1532, Bona Sforza, queen of Poland, in 1566, and also Henry III of France in 1574. 

The charming and fascinating facade features frescoes depicting horses and grooms, Theological and Cardinal Virtues attributed to Andrea Bellunello (15th century). There are also 2 mullioned windows, one in Gothic style and the other in Renaissance style (1582). To further embellish the palace, stone elements made by Pilacorte: 2 mullioned balconies and a small balcony.

Text: VisitSpilimbergo

Other points of interest of:
Ville, Palazzi, Monuments