In Fagagna, a widespread religiosity is experienced inside and around many beautiful churches that are deeply loved by the locals and must absolutely be discovered by those visiting the castle village.
We have prepared for you insights on the Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta, the much-loved Madonna di Taviele, and the ancient Chiesetta di San Leonardo, as well as on San Michele in Castello.
From www.parrocchiafagagna.it, it is learned that in ancient times Fagagna had a significant number of churches; records from 1350 enumerated as many as eight within the parish circuit, including the Parish Church dedicated to S. Maria Assunta, the subsidiary Church dedicated to S. Giacomo maggiore Apostolo, the Chiesa di S. Apollinare in the countryside, the Chiesa di S. Giorgio on the road leading to the parish church above the Riolo village, the Chiesa di S. Giovanni in the locality of the same name, and the Chiesa di S. Leonardo which can still be seen today in its slender 14th-century structure, in addition to the Chiesetta S. Antonino in Castello erected in 1720.
Among these churches, the most important is certainly the parish church, as it is also the oldest, and it has a glorious history surrounding it.
It is precisely around the ancient Pieve parish church that all the others arose, both to meet the ever-growing religious needs of the increased population and to serve as oratories for the respective confraternities or lay fraternities that here in Fagagna, as in all places, arose in large numbers. The only Church of S. Michele, because it was the oratory of the ancient castellans, did not have fraternities and was officiated with its own revenues, on the manors and fiefs of the Castle.
All the other churches had various incomes, coming to them from bequests and offerings especially from the confreres and associates of the respective fraternity.
Only two survived the suppression in 1810 of the fraternities that had founded them and maintained them for worship.
These two are the Chapels of S. Michele in Castello and of S. Antonio Abate and S. Nicolò vescovo in the village of the same name of San Antonio, within the circuit of the Asquini house.